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Countering Online INtolerance against especially vulnerable groups. Large-scale monitoring and narrative combat of online hatred in Spain (COIN)
1. Universidad de Salamanca (USAL):
- Legal Entity Short Name: USAL
- Type: Academic
- Country: Spain
- Department/Division: Department of Sociology and Communication
- Supervisor: Dr. Carlos Edmundo Arcila Calderón
- Main researcher: Dr. Martín Oller Alonso
- Researchers: Dra. Patricia Sánchez Holgado, Dr. Javier Amores, William González, Maximiliano Frías, Marcos Barbosa.
- Role of Partner Organization: Voluntary secondment
- Legal Entity Complete Name: Universidad de Salamanca

2. Al Fanar Foundation for Arab Knowledge:
- Legal Entity Short Name: Al Fanar
- Type: Non-academic
- Country: Spain
- Department/Division: Islamophobia Observatory
- Supervisor: Pedro Rojo
- Role of Partner Organization: Mandatory secondment
- Legal Entity Complete Name: Al Fanar Foundation for Arab Knowledge

In collaboration with:
Project funded by the European Union. European Union’s Actions-H2020-MSCA-COFUND-2020-USAL4EXCELLENCE-PROOPI-663. Grant agreement: N. 101034371. USAL internal reference: 8925-8553.