Apis Mediavilla Lomas is currently pursuing their PhD in the program “Formación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento” at the University of Salamanca. They graduated in the degree of Communication and Audiovisual Creation in 2021 and, subsequently, in the Master’s Degree in Audiovisual Communication: Research and Innovation (2022) with an Extraordinary Award from the University of Salamanca. Since 2023 they has been working on their thesis entitled ‘Reducing prejudice towards stigmatised groups through entertainment-education fiction messages. The influence of the type of arguments’ under the supervision of Juan José Igartua Perosanz. Since November 2024, and for a period of 4 years, they enjoys a grant to finance the pre-doctoral recruitment of research staff (PREDOC), granted by the Junta de Castilla y León and co-financed by the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+).
Link to the Department Page
Research lines:
- Estrategia de Educación-Entretenimiento
- Modelo de Medios Inspiradores