![Carlos Arcila](
Associated Professor at the Department of Sociology and Communication at the University of Salamanca. Editor of the Anuario Electrónico de Estudios en Comunicación Social Disertaciones. European Doctor in “Communication, Social Change and Development” at the Complutense University in Madrid, and MA in Journalism at the Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC). He has taught at the Rosario University (Colombia), Norte University (Colombia), Los Andes University (Venezuela). Pre-doctoral researcher at the URJC and associate researcher at the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (Venezuela). He has been guest lecturer at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (Spain), La Sabana University (Colombia), Santiago de Compostela University (Spain), Universidad Mayor (Chile), and the Universidade Estadual Paulista (Brasil).
Link to the Department page
Research lines:
– Introduction of NTICs
– Media Analysis
– Computational methods for data analysis
Research projects and contracts:
- Researching System on Social Practices on Communication: Project Maps, Projects, Groups, Lines, Study Objects, and Methods
- (In)Forming Conflict Prevention, Response and Resolution: INFOCORE. The Role of Media in Violent Conflict
- Development and Implementation of NTICs and Strategies to Enhance the Processes on the Dissemination of Scientific Knowledge and Visibility Results on Science & Technology at the Universidad del Norte on the Research System Web and on the Production of Scientific Cafés
- e-Research on Social Sciences in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Participation and Social Relations by Online Twitter Opinion Leaders in Latin America and the Middle East
- Proposal for the Creation of the Observatorio Venezolano de Industrias de Contenido (Venezuelan Observatory for Content Industries)
- Inner Communications and Culture in the Venezuelan Press
- e-Government in Venezuela: Balance and Perspectives
- Self-Presentation in Blogs and Social Networks
- Us and Them. A Critical Approach to the Discursive Construction of “The Other” in Hugo Chávez’s Rhetoric
- Communicative Production of Identity in Virtual Environments
- National Monitoring Network on Media (Media and Democracy in Venezuela)
- Clasificador en tiempo real de opiniones políticas en español con técnicas de aprendizaje automático (AUTOCOP-ES)
- Personal website:
- Facebook: carloarcilacalderon
- Twitter: @carlosarcila
- Google Scholar:
- Researchgate:
- Orcid: